Accelerated Reader

To encourage greater reading fluency and development of comprehension skills a small grade will be given each nine weeks for reading done independently through the AR program. Individualized point goals will be given out each nine weeks based on STAR tested reading levels.

 Ms. Perron’s 3rd grade GT AR Requirements to earn a 30 point grade in Reading for each 9 weeks :

Each student will be able to earn up to 30 points for the AR requirements.   

Requirements for each 9 weeks are:                                                  Ms. Perron gives

- at least 1 non-fiction book                                                                             5 points

- 3 books - different genres (5 pts per genre) (fiction or non-fiction)         15 points

- Meeting Individual AR Point Goal                                                           up to 5 points

*AR 9 week test average (see below)                                                   up to 5 points

Total points possible                                                                                  30 points   

After these requirements are met, all other AR points are for your enjoyment and to help your Reading class totals for Library incentives. 

 *Points for AR test average:                                                

*you earn 5 points for an AR test average of   100% - 85%                                              

*you earn 4 points for an AR test average of    84% - 80%                                     

*you earn 3 points for an AR test average of   79% - 75%                                                

*you earn 2 points for an AR test average of    74% - 70%                                     

*you earn 1 point for an AR test average of     69% - 65%                                                

*you earn 0 points for an AR test average of   64% - 0%       

*Points for Reaching Individual Goal:

reaching goal...... 5 points

5pts below....       4 points

7pts below....       3 points

10pts below....     2 points

12 pts below....    1 point

14 or more below...0 points